Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Come Chill with me at LeNoir (Clark Quay)

I will be back to Singapore from Ipoh tonight :) I have a great CNY's holidays with both my family and friends back home. It has been such a long time that I have such a great break. 新年快樂!! to everyone of you out there!! and here wishing you 大虎送你搖錢樹,二虎送你貴人扶,三虎送你工作好,四虎送你沒煩惱,五虎送你錢滿箱!祝你五虎臨門,虎氣沖天,虎年大吉大利!

The journey back - 10 hours are no joke!!!!! :( my butt is almost flat liao! but I am glad to be back. Rested and ready to face the world again :) Next, I will be at the Choya's chill out event next week @ LeNoir on 26th Feb 2010 from 7pm. See you there ya.


  1. *bear hugs* Jiayou!! A short getaway will be a renewing process in all aspect. We love you and that's all that really matters!!
